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Showing posts from October, 2017

Solution to Dark Circles Green tea bags Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Green tea bags can help relieve dark circles , and also reduce inflammation and swelling. How to use ? Boil two bags of green tea in a cup and a half of water for 10 minutes. After this time, remove the bags and cool them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then put the cold tea bags over your eyes for 15 minutes. You can repeat this remedy twice a day.

Rose water tonic (dry skin)

WWW.OEILVIBE.COM Ingredients: Rose water, or rose hydro-late Geranium essential oil. Description: Rose water is antibacterial, soothing and has antiseptic properties. It is rich in flavonoids and vitamins. It has excellent soothing effects, improves the condition of dry and aging skin , cleanses, purifies, reduces swelling and redness, aids in the elimination of blackheads. The essential oil of geranium helps to moisturize and return the skin's brilliance, in addition to acting as a good anti-wrinkle. Method:  Separate 200 ml of pure water and rose petals, put in a pan and let it heat until the roses lose their color. Let it cool and your rose water is ready. Or you can buy the rose hydroxide ready. Add 10 drops of geranium essential oil before you use it for better results.